Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Market Woes

In today's climate of large corporations like Merrill Lynch and AIG going bankrupt, all I have to say is DON'T PANIC. The last couple days on the Dave Ramsey show, callers have been calling in freaking out about what is going on, and it just shows how uninformed the general public is.

Let's take Merrill Lynch for instance. They were mainly a brokerage firm. A lot of people were worried because they managed their 401K's and other investments. Caller after caller kept asking if they needed to pull their money out and put it somewhere else. Short answer: NO. Long answer: you own stocks in your 401k, not stock in Merrill Lynch. If they go away, you still have your accounts safe and sound.

The AIG thing is a bit more complicated. As much as I hate that the government keeps bailing these people out, it was a needed evil to prevent the rest of the housing market to collapse. As much as everyone wants to blame the Bush Administration for this (even though the Democratic controlled congress is the ones who pass the laws), it simply boils down to mis-management of resources. Ideally, Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac should have gone out of business and the market would have filled the gap with other, more stable corporations. However, due to the sheer volume of loans they had out, it would have devastated countless families had they been allowed to go under.

So, to all the regular people out there -- DON'T PANIC. Economic slowdown can be more of a self-fulfilling prophecy than an actual event if allowed to be. If people panic and start pulling their money out of the market, then yes, it will slow down. To be honest, now is the best time to get in the market -- everything is on sale :) . Talk about your perfect BOGO deal. Hang in there, and things will pick up and carry on just like it always has. The American people make it happen, not politicians, not figureheads, not evil corporations. We control what is in demand, and we make it happen.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard not to freak out a bit about the market. I'm in the same mindset that panic in this situation does no good, and now is the best time to be infesting because stocks are on "sale".

    I think part of the reason the goverment bailed out AIG is because they serve a lot of insurance policies. I don't know that insurance policies are regulated and secure like insured investments are. How strange, insured insurance policies....

    Now is definitly not the time to let the sensational headlines play with ones's mind. I have to keep reminding myself that.
